
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hilal-e-Jur'at A Lesson Giving Urdu Story

Last night I read Hilal-e-Jur’at, an Urdu story by Umaira Ahmad and I liked it very much and thought to share the Story with you guys.

The story begins from Indo-Pak border of Siachin where captain waleed is trying to push back Indian army from his point. His six members are died and he is alone defending his motherland. He is wounded as a bullet hit his hand.

He has informed the base camp about the situation and he has been told that a group of ten soldiers would be sent to him, but the weather condition is very bad so he has to stay alone there for next two days.

His moral is high from the sky and he is fighting with patriotism and emotions to serve the nation. To Sacrifice his today to the coming day of the nation. He reads the letters sent to him by his family, and his fiancé Zainab.
He starts listening to radio and there is a program is going on which is about distribution of medals for the soldiers who served the nation in the war. He hears that the audience, specially, the elite class and the young people are not interested in the national heroes who did their best for this country. They are eager to listen to the singers rather than the soldiers for whom the ceremony is set.

While the program he is very dishearten and regretted for joining the army as the nation is not giving due value for the services and sacrifices offered by the army. His base commander calls him and asks him about his moral and he is not able to say that his moral is higher than sky. Rather he repeats the word “MORAL” “MORAL”

To Read Online This Very Lesson Giving Kahani Please Click Here and do let me know your comments about the Kahani.

To Download The Story Click Here. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the story after having downloaded it. So, enjoy reading this story and let me know about you comments regarding the story.

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