
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bhayanak Aadmi; a Fantastic Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Bhayanak Aadmi (The Frightful Man), by Ibn-e-Safi, is a fantastic and outstanding Urdu spy novel of Imran Series.

This is a story of a man ruling in the darkness of a certain area. It is the story of a man who was working under his own employees. It is the story of dangerous smuggler who was not known to anyone even his employees do not know him. The local police accepted defeat from the man and warned the people to avoid going to that area.

But all of that was till Imran was out of that and when Imran enters the matter the government of that Frightful man begins to go down. Now Imran’s foolish actions are on peak and when he solves the case everyone is shocked.

From this novel the character of Roshi enters in Imran Series. Hope it will be a good addition in this fabulous Urdu spy series.

Click Here to Download Bhayanak Aadmi. Please note that you will have to have PDF reader to read the novel after having it downloaded. Hope you will like it and let me know your comments about it.

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