
Friday, October 1, 2010

Hamari Ammaan; a humorous Urdu Novel by Rif'at Siraj

HAMARI AMMAN (Our Mother), by Rif’at Siraj is very beautiful and humorous Urdu novel. It revolves around a girl Anjum Aara who was fond to quote always her mother. “My mother says this, My mother says that, My mother says to do this, My mother says not to do this.” Sentences like these are always heard from her.

She is very straight forward and always says what she feels. She does not care of what people will react to her saying. She often quarrel her mother as well as she is very straight forward and says what she thinks before her mother.

Finally she is married with Jamal and she starts quoting her mother in her In Laws. This creates some problems but at the end the story goes to a happy end.

Click here to download Hamari Amman. Please note that you will have to have PDF reader to read the book after having it downloaded. Hope you will let me know your comments about the book and blog.

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