
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jahannam Ki Raqqasa; an Interesting Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Jahannam Ki Raqqasa (The Dancing Girl of Hell) is an interesting spy Urdu novel of Imran series by the famous Urdu writer Ibn-e-Safi. The novel is about a failure mission of a country who tried to rule the whole world by a certain revolution.

An office opened for divorce cases by Imran and Roshi leads to a great mission, a suicide case which proved to be a murder, a lady agent disguise into a world famous dancing girl and a well honored and well respected lady who is afraid about the truth of her past and her fear leads her to Imran.

Click here to download Jahannam Ki Raqqasa. Please note that you will have to have PDF reader to read the book after having it downloaded.

You will enjoy reading this novel, trust me!!!

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