
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

11 November; a Fabulous Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

11 November is a fabulous Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist.

Imran sees a girl being watched by two guys and one day he hears them conspiring to get the girl down. Imran wants to know the reality and he throws a banana peel and she falls down and while she is taking to the hospital she dies. Imran is surprised and his team members are shocked.

Now Imran starts investigation and he reaches to know about a battle between two ideological groups whom battle field is now Imran’s country.

Click here to download 11 November. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader installed in your computer in order to read the novel after downloading.

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