
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Allama Shibli Nomani; the Great Muslim Scholar and Urdu Writer

Allamah Shibli Nomani (Urdu: علامہ شبلی نعما نی) (June 3, 1857 - November 18, 1914, Azamgarh) was an Indian scholar on Islam. He was born at Bindwal in Azamgarh district of present-day Uttar Pradesh. He is known for the founding the Shibli National College in 1883 and the Darul Mussanifin in Azamgarh. Shibli was a versatile scholar in Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Turkish and Urdu. He was also a poet. He collected much material on the life of Prophet of Islam, Muhammad but could write only first two volumes of the planned work the Sirat-un-Nabi. 

His disciple, Syed Sulaiman Nadvi, made use of this material and added his own and wrote remaining five volumes of the work, the Sirat-un-Nabi after the death of his mentor.
He was born in a Rajput family to Shaikh Habibullah and Moqeema Khatoon. Although his younger brothers went to Aligarh for education, Shibli received a traditional Islamic education. His teacher was Maulana Muhammad Farooq Chirayakoti, a rationalist scholar. 

He went to Makka for the Hajj and there he devoted his time to furthering his studies in Islamic theology, history, philosophy and Sufism from different scholars in Arabia. An orthodox Hanafi Muslim, he was a staunch supporter of the Shari’a.
When he returned to India he met Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817–1898) who had just established Aligarh Muslim University. Nomani was offered and joined a teaching position at the university on February 1, 1882. 

He taught Persian and Arabic languages at Aligarh for sixteen years where he met Thomas Arnold and other British scholars from whom he learned firsthand modern Western ideas and thoughts. He traveled with Thomas Arnold in 1892 to Syria, Egypt, Turkey and other countries of the Middle East and got direct and practical experience of their societies. His scholarship influenced Thomas Arnold on one hand and on the other he was influenced by Thomas Arnold to a great extent, and this explains the modern touch in his ideas. In Cairo, he met noted Islamic scholar Sheikh Muhammad Abduhu.

After the death of Sir Syed Ahmed in 1898, he left Aligarh and became an advisor in the Education Department of Hyderabad State. He initiated many reforms in the Hyderabad education system. From his policy, the Usmania University of Hyderabad adopted Urdu as the medium of instruction. Before that no other university of India had adopted any vernacular language as the medium of instruction in higher studies. In 1908 he left Hyderabad and went to Lucknow to become the principal of Nadwat tul-‘Ulum (Nadwa). He introduced reforms in the school's teaching and curriculum. He stayed at the school for five years but the orthodox class of scholars became hostile towards him, and he had to leave Lucknow for his birthplace, Azamgarh, in 1913.
Earlier at Nadwa he wanted to establish Darul Musannifin or the House of Writers but there he could not do this. He bequeathed his bungalow and mango orchard and motivated the members of his clan and relatives to do the same and succeeded. He wrote letters to his disciples and other eminent persons and sought their cooperation. Eventually one of his disciples, Syed Sulaiman Nadvi fulfilled his dream and established Darul Musannifin at Azamgarh. The first formal meeting of the institution was held on November 21, 1914, within three days of his death.

Shibli’s genius had its flowering in Aligarh University when he came into contact with Sir Syed Ahmed and British scholars. Both Shibli and Sir Syed Ahmed wished for the welfare of Muslims, and wanted to have Western thinking and style come along with it. However, Sir Syed wanted to save the Muslims from the wrath of the British rulers after their active participation in the War of Independence, called the "Sepoy Mutiny" by the British colonialist rulers, whereas, Shibli wanted to make them self-reliant and self-respecting by regaining their lost heritage and tradition.

Shibli was a staunch supporter of Pan-Islamism. He wrote poems and articles decrying the British and other Western powers when Turkey was defeated in the Balkan Wars and he urged the world Muslims to unite. In 1913, when the British Administration in India stormed the Kanpur Mosque, Shibli condemned them.

Maulana Shibli Nomani – whose ancestor converted from Hindu Rajput into Islam - also had casteist mindset. Mr. S.M. Ikram writes that he humiliated his own step mother calling her names like “chhawni / arbabe chhawni” (It is a camp like army camp where Nawab used to live outside the house) because she was from low caste. Syed Sulaiman Nadvi also mentioned the same thing, but he also says that in the last Maulana Shibli asked for forgiveness from her mother and she forgave him.
According to some scholars, Shibli was against the Aligarh movement. He opposed the ideology of Sir Syed and that is why he was debarred from the services of MAO College. Kamleshwar wrote an excellent novel ‘Kitne Pakistan’ (How Many Pakistan?) and in that novel he counts Maulana Shibli Nomani as one of the narrow minded Muslim theologians. In another book, ‘Ataturk Fi Karbala’, the author alleged that Shibli was not happy with Sir Syed’s policies and ideologies and was involved vehemently against Aligarh movement. It is a false propaganda that he was till his last breath closely associated with Aligarh Muslim University. Only few people from his community and region exaggerate that he was a great Muslim theologian, a great admirer of Sir Syed and an earnest principal at Darul-uloom Nadwatul Ulama.
There does not appear to be evidence of any difference of opinion between Shibli and Sir Syed either in the former's writings or correspondence during the life-time of the latter.Shibli's first critical reference is not to Sir Syed but of Hali with reference to "Hayat-i-Javed" which Shibli referred as "sheer hagiography" (sarasar madah sarai). 

It was only later, i.e. after 1907 that Shibli made many critical references to 'Aligarh College' and occasionally to the founder Sir Syed.
From these writings one is inclined to agree with the reasons assigned by Shaikh Ikram for this change of attitude. These are;
  • Shibli's desire to show that the traditionalist model of Nadwa was superior to that of Nadwa.
  • Shibli's affection and reliance on Abul Kalam Azad who was allergic to Aligarh and Sir Syed. One of the primary objectives of 'Al Hilal' was "Aligarh ke Aiwan-i-Ghulami ko girana. Shibli and Azad's desire that promoters of the proposed Muslim University should not give up the demand for an all India affiliating jurisdiction.
  • Lack of equation between Shibli and Viqarul Mulk unlike his deep relations with Mohsinul Mulk who had appointed Shibli as the first Secretary of the Anjuman Taraqq-i-Urdu which started as a subsidiary of the All India Muslim Educational Conference.
  • The effect of pro Congress Muslim families of Bombay on Shibli.
Allama Shibli had two daughters, Rabia Khatoon and Fatima Jannutul , and one son, Hamid Hassan Nu'mani. He was born in 1882 and died in 1942. He had a son who died soon after birth, and five daughters who lived their life. They are:

  • Dr Naseem Jehan, retired director of health, Bangladesh, died in Karachi in 1994. She was married in 1940 to Dr Zafrul Huda of Dhaka University. He died in 1978 at Dhaka. They have one daughter.
  • Shamim Jehan (died in Karachi in 2005), married in 1940 to Ehtesham Ahmed, who died in Azamgarh in 1982. They have eight sons and seven daughters.
  • Tehseen Jehan, married in 1940 to Shaukat Sultan, principal of Shibli College, Azamgarh. She is living in Karachi Pakistan these days. They have three sons and four daughters.
  • Mohsina Sultana, married in 1950 to Amanullah Khan, director of industries, India. They have five children.
  • Momna Sultan, married in 1952 to Capt. Khan Sohail Sultan. They have four sons.
Shibli was well aware of the progress of science and education in the West. He wanted to inspire the Muslims to make similar progress by having recourse to their lost heritage and culture, and warned them against getting lost in Western culture. In keeping with this goal, he wrote the following books;

  • Sirat-un-Nabi
  • Sirat an-Nu'man,
  • Al-Faruq,
  • Al-Ma’mun,
  • Al-Ghazali,
  • Imam Ibn-e-Tamia (Edited by Mohammad Tanzeel-ul-siddiqi al-husaini ),
  • Mawlana Rumi
  • Aurangzeb Alamgir Par Ek Nazar
  • Shiʾr al-ʻAjam, a history of Persian poetry
  • "Ilm-Kalam", The best book on the history of Muslim theology
“Lot of injustice has been done to Shibli. While Maulana Aslam Jairajpuri pointed out errors in “Sher-ul-Ajam”, it was not mentioned that Shibli was the first to write biography of Maulana Rumi. 

Though differences between Sir Syed and Shibli are highlighted but it has not been pointed out that in spite of Sir Syed’s opposition to the writing of “Al-Farooq”, Shibli never complained about it. 

He lamented that Shibli’s Persian poetry was never tested on its merit and was wrongly associated with his acquaintance and close friend with an enlightened intellectual lady of the time Madam Atiya Faizi. He refuted Shaikh Mohammad Ikram’s claim in this regard and subtly highlighted delicacy of Shibli’s thought moulded into his Persian poetry”

Monday, June 20, 2011

Jawab-e-Shikwa; a Food for Thought Poetry by Allama Iqbal

Sir Muhammad Iqbal (Urdu: محمد اقبال) born (November 9, 1877 – April 21, 1938) was a converted Muslim poet and philosopher born in Sialkot, British India (now in Pakistan), whose poetry in Urdu and Persian is considered to be among the greatest of the modern era, and whose vision of an independent state for the Muslims of British India was to inspire the creation of Pakistan. He is commonly referred to as Allama Iqbal (علامہ اقبال‎, Allama lit. Scholar).

Allama's Poetry has put a great effect on the Muslim generation in 20th century. Many pieces of his poetry are considered to be the masterpiece of the Urdu poetry treasury. Shikwa and Jawab Shikwa are also among those great pieces of Iqbal's poetry.

I am sharing here Jawab-e-Shikwa by Iqbal. [Click here to read Shikwa] These two poems of him tell us the reasons of the progress and depression of Muslim Umma. Let's read Jawab-e-Shikwa in which the answer of the blames, made by Muslims against Allah Almighty for the worse condition of Muslim Ummah, is given. Here you go!!

Shikwa; a Superb Poem by Allama Iqbal

Sir Muhammad Iqbal (Urdu: محمد اقبال) born (November 9, 1877 – April 21, 1938) was a converted Muslim poet and philosopher born in Sialkot, British India (now in Pakistan), whose poetry in Urdu and Persian is considered to be among the greatest of the modern era, and whose vision of an independent state for the Muslims of British India was to inspire the creation of Pakistan. He is commonly referred to as Allama Iqbal (علامہ اقبال‎, Allama lit. Scholar).

Allama's Poetry has put a great effect on the Muslim generation in 20th century. Many pieces of his poetry are considered to be the masterpiece of the Urdu poetry treasury. Shikwa and Jawab-e-Shikwa are also among those great pieces of Iqbal's poetry.

I am sharing here Shikwa by Iqbal and in the next blog you will read Jawab-e-Shikwa. [Click here to read Jawab-e-Shikwa] These two poems of him tell us the reasons of the progress and depression of Muslim Umma. Let's read Shikwa first in which Muslim Blames Allah Almighty for the worse condition of Muslim Ummah and in Jawab-e-Shikwa you can read the answer for this blame. Here you go!!

Yasmeen Hameed; an Urdu Poet

Yasmeen Hameed is a Pakistani Urdu poet. Yasmeen Hameed has over 25 years of experience in the fields of literature, art and education. She is presently working as ‘Writer in Residence’ in the Social Sciences Department at Lahore University of Management Sciences. Yasmeen Hameed’s original literary contributions are her five books of poetry published in Urdu in 1988, 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2007. She has contributed to English writing through translation of contemporary Urdu poetry into English. She has edited (in English), issues of Pakistani Literature published by the Pakistan Academy of Letters. She has written scripts in English for Cultural/Fashion shows sponsored by The Government of Pakistan, performed in London in 1995 and Washington in 1996 and in the World Cup Cricket Cultural Festival in Pakistan in 1996. She has also contributed a monthly column to the Books & Authors supplement of The Daily Dawn.

She owns and has developed The Lahore Alma School in Defence Housing Authority, Lahore. Additionally, she has interviewed a number of renowned Pakistani literary personalities on Pakistan Television and has participated widely in poetry symposia at national and international levels.

Usama Bin Laden; an Informative Book on Usama by Tariq Ismail Sagar

Usama Bin Laden Ek Shakhsh Ek Tahreek (Usama Bin Laden; a Person a Movement) is informative Urdu book written by Tariq Ismail Sagar, the famous Urdu novelist and journalist. 

As the title reveals the book is about Usama bin Laden and his ideologies. The book was written in 1998 when Usama bin Laden was considered to be a Jihadi leader who fought in the path of Allah and for a noble cause. The time when the deadly 9/11 attacks did not happen.

Many people have changed their thoughts about Usama after 9/11 and so-called war against terror led by USA. A long media campaign was launched to defame Usama and almost all satellite channels and media groups were part of this campaign.

Now, Usama Bin Laden is no more in this world and he has to answer before Allah and Allah will decide whether he was a Mujahid or terrorist. But this book will also help you to rethink about Usama bin Laden. Maybe you would change your mind about him.
Click here to download Usama Bin Laden Ek Shakhsh Eh Tahreek. Please note that you will need to have PDF Reader to read the book after downloading.

Ash Tray House; a Fantastic Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Ash Tray House is a fantastic and superb Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary and the finest Urdu spy novelist.

The novel is final part of Buzdil Suurma. The battle which begins in Buzdil Suurma and goes higher and sensational in Dast-e-Qaza goes in peak in this fabulous novel.

How Imran tackles down the Zionest organization?? What is Ash Tray House?? How Imran captures Dr. Ellingham and Rena Williams again after she escapes from the custody of Super Fiaz?? Read the novel for all these things.

Click here to download Ash Tray House. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after downloading.

Dast-e-Qaza; a Marvelous Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Dast-e-Qaza (The Hand of Death) is a marvelous Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary popular and the finest Urdu spy novelist.

The novel is sequel of Buzdil Suurma and the story will reach to the end in "Ash Tray House" the next novel.

At the end of Buzdil Suurma, Dr. Ellingham could escape from the fight and disappears. Now in this novel Imran tries to find him out. He reaches to Mr. Phillip, a senior member of Zionist organization and comes to know many member of the party but he could not track Dr. Ellingham.

A blue hand, operated by Dr. Ellingham kills some people by hitting them with knife, spreads fear among Christian organization and Imran seriously after Dr. Ellingham. The battle will reach to the end in "As Tray House"

Click here to download Dast-e-Qaza. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after downloading.

Buzdil Suurma; a Fabulous Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Buzdil Suurma (Coward Hero) is a fabulous and full of adventure Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Imran Series writer.

Zafar ul Mulk, Jemson and Joseph face an accident while they travel to a cloth market outside the city. A girl asks them to help her as her car's tire punctured and she has no tools to change the wheel. Zafar tries to change the while and meanwhile the girl escapes with their car.

Later the girl proved to be Rena Williams, a secretary of a Military officer in an Embassy, escaped some important documents and later kills the officer.

Imran follows the case and reaches to find out a battle between a patriotic Christian organization, led by Mrs. Gohan, and Zionists organization, led by Dr. Ellingham. The story is on…. You will read next in Dast-e-Qaza.

Click here to download Buzdil Suurma. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after downloading.

Paharroon Ke Peechay; an Interesting Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Paharroon Ke Peechay (Behind the Mountains) is an interesting and full of adventure Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the most popular Urdu spy novelist.

This time Imran is after Rahmat Ilahi, a person who is involved in spying Imran's country and providing most sensitive military information to the enemy. The person is disguised into a smuggler and smuggles with a group of other smugglers.

Imran shows some brilliant stunts by the bank of a lake to get attentions of the people, his target is with them and comes closes to them and that’s how solves the case.

Click here to download Paharroon Ke Peechay. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader in order to read the book after downloading.

Halaku and Co; a Superb Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Halako And Co is superb and full of suspense Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist.

Some well trained dogs start entertaining people in the city and in next few days Intelligence Bureau starts investigation and loses 41 officials along with 41 well trained dogs.

Now Imran follows the case and reaches to the roots of a dangerous conspiracy made by Adolf Bright, a Nazi Spy, disguised into a respected Priest.

Click here to download Halaku and Co. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Saniha Lal Masjid Hum Pe Kia Guzri; an Eye Opening Book About Lal Masjid Operation

The deadly and brutal Operation Silence [known as Lal Masjid Operation] is a dark chapter of Pakistani history. The operation led Pakistan to an endless bloodshed and suicide attacks. 

In the operation continued from 3rd to 10th July, 2007 many people, including woman and children have been killed and many of them have been lost.

The book [Saniha Lal Masjid Ham Pe Kia Guzri] is a book written by Umm-e-Hassan, the eye witness of that massacre  and bloody and deadly operation. Umm-e-Hassan tells what happened to them during this operation and how were their lives in those 7 days inside Jamia Hafsa and Lal Masjid.

Click here to download Saniha Lal Masjid Ham Pe Kia Guzri. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the book after having it downloaded.

Hassan Abidi; a Noted Urdu Poet

Hassan Abidi (Urdu: حسن عابدی) was a noted Pakistani journalist, writer and a senior Urdu language poet.

He was born on July 7, 1929 in Jaunpur, UP, and educated in Azamgarh and Allahabad (India) and after the partition of India in 1947, he moved to Pakistan and settled in Karachi and associated with journalism and writing.

He became president of the Karachi Press Club and held office in both the Karachi Union of Journalist and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists. He was also an active member of the Irtiqa forum. He died on September 6, 2005 in Karachi.

According to Yasmeen Hameed, his collections of poetry are Navisht-i-Nai (1995), Jareeda (1998) and Farar Hona Huroof ka (2004). He has also translated Eqbal Ahmed's essays into Urdu and written stories and poems for children. Hasan Abidi writes both ghazals and nazms. He is more in control of his craft in the traditional confines of the ghazal but chooses another style and content for his nazms. 

Most of his nazms are a narrative of the socio-political aspects of the society. He persistently elegizes the changing value system that he finds alien and disconcerting. 

His collection of poems, Farar Hona Huroof ka, was published in 2004, by Scheherzade, Karachi.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Urdu Ki Aakhri Kitab; an Interesting Urdu Essay by Ibn-e-Insha

Ibn-e-Insha (Punjabi, Urdu: ابن انشاء) (born 15 June 1927 d. 11 January 1978) was a Pakistani Leftist Urdu poet, humorist, travelogue writer and columnist. Along with his poetry, he was regarded one of the best humorists of Urdu. His poetry has a distinctive diction laced with language reminiscent of Amir Khusro in its use of words and construction that is usually heard in the more earthy dialects of the Hindi-Urdu complex of languages, and his forms and poetic style is an influence on generations of young poets.

He is considered as one of the most versatile poets and writers of his generation. His most famous ghazal Insha Ji Utthoo (انشاء جی اٹھو) (Get up Insha Ji, Let's leave from here) is a modern day classic. His other works include a number of travelogues recorded with a touch of humour.

Urdu Ki Aakhri Kitab is an Interesting and most famous Urdu essay written by Ibn-e-Insha. I am sure you will enjoy reading it.