
Monday, June 20, 2011

Usama Bin Laden; an Informative Book on Usama by Tariq Ismail Sagar

Usama Bin Laden Ek Shakhsh Ek Tahreek (Usama Bin Laden; a Person a Movement) is informative Urdu book written by Tariq Ismail Sagar, the famous Urdu novelist and journalist. 

As the title reveals the book is about Usama bin Laden and his ideologies. The book was written in 1998 when Usama bin Laden was considered to be a Jihadi leader who fought in the path of Allah and for a noble cause. The time when the deadly 9/11 attacks did not happen.

Many people have changed their thoughts about Usama after 9/11 and so-called war against terror led by USA. A long media campaign was launched to defame Usama and almost all satellite channels and media groups were part of this campaign.

Now, Usama Bin Laden is no more in this world and he has to answer before Allah and Allah will decide whether he was a Mujahid or terrorist. But this book will also help you to rethink about Usama bin Laden. Maybe you would change your mind about him.
Click here to download Usama Bin Laden Ek Shakhsh Eh Tahreek. Please note that you will need to have PDF Reader to read the book after downloading.

1 comment:

  1. Mirror Here
