
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Aadha Teetar; an Outstanding Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Aadha Teetar (Half Partridge) (Urdu: آدھا تیتر) is an outstanding, interesting, full of action and adventure and beautiful Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and most famous Imran Series writer.

Imran's sister Surayya's wedding is fixed with Dr. Shahid but just before marriage he resigns from his job. Sir Rahman is extremely disagree with this decision and he decides that he will not let his daughter get married with him unless he takes back this decision. Imran decides to fix the matter and he visits to Dr. Ma Luqa, Dr. Shahid's sister but before meeting she is kidnapped.

After a long struggle Imran manages to discover her and comes to know that all what happens is just because of Dr. Shahid as he is being blackmailed by a person who is very dangerous. Dr. Shahid resigns to get rid of this problem and he kidnaps his sister. Imran tells him to resumes his job so that they could know what that person wants from him. The story is to be continued and will reach to the end in the next novel Aadha Batair.

Click here to download Aadha Teetar. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

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