
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Jonk Ki Wapasi; an Excellent Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Jonk ki Wapasi (English: The Leech Returns) (Urdu: جونک کی واپسی) is an excellent, beautiful, very interesting, full of suspense, trill and adventure and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the renowned and legendary Urdu spy novelist and most famous and the finest Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer.

A Chinese man starts chasing Julia and she enters a park to get rid of that mysterious Chinese man but he arrives there as well. Julia becomes gets angry and she goes to Safdar's flat and informs him about Chinese. Safdar goes outside to check and returns with the same Chinese man. Safdar recognizes him a Tau Chin who is a contractor. Tau Chin says that his mother was French and Julia resembles his mother.

While going back Julia sees a dead body in Tau Chin's car. The body is recognized as Ma'am Nishi Ka, wife of Philippines ambassador. Imran's investigations lead him to Nagonda, a Negro bodyguard of Nishi ka but Nagonda is killed before he could say anything about Nishi Ka. A girl named Rita Nixon kidnaps Imran and Imran sees Nishi Ka in her house alive. He is surprised. 

At the end of the novel Sang Hi enters in action. He is behind all what is happening in the country. Let's read next in Zehreeli Tasweer to know what happens next.

Click here to download Jonk Ki Wapasi. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

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