
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kan Kun; a Beautiful Urdu Romantic Novel by Aleem Ul Haq Haqqi

Kan Kun (English: Miner) (Urdu: کان کن) is a beautiful, very interesting and fun to read Urdu romantic novel, written by Aleem Ul Haq Haqqi, the well known and popular Urdu social and romantic novelist who is best known for his best seller Urdu romantic novel Ishq Ka Ain. The novel describes the worst condition of miners and their even worst financial situation in a hill town of India in late 20th century. The living standard of the people in that town is very low but the only thing, which is as pure as always it is, the love.

Rashid an intelligent and talented young boy of a miner Saeed Hassan lives in a hill station of India where Muslims and Christians live together in complete religious harmony and peace. Saeed Hassan had brought an orphan Christian Robert and Rashid considers him as his own elder brother. Though Muslims are dominant in the town but they participate in Christian celebrations like Christmas and Easter. Later Robert dies in an accident and once again Saeed brings his wife and daughter to his home.

Rashid starts learning and decides to become an engineer to secure his future and serve his people rather than wasting his life in mines. While coming from school by a Christian priest, he often confronts with Maryam a beautiful Christian girl. One day Maryam requests him to teach write her name and teach her also. He starts teaching her and eventually he falls in love with Maryam.

Later Rashid is sent to foundry where he learns engineering and there gets married with a girl but his wife dies soon. In his town Maryam gets pregnant of his child and gets married to the Christian priest.

Now life becomes tougher and after a conspiracy against Rashid, he sentenced to life imprisonment and sent to Kala Pani Jail. In his town Maryam accepts Islam and manages to inform influential peoples about the conspiracy and consequently Rashid is freed and Maryam and he start new life. 

Click here to download Kan Kun. Plaese note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dr. Israr, asak
    To the best of my knowledge it should be

    kaan kan

    kandan means digging in persian and kan meaning digger is deverived from this verb. Other tarakeeb from this verb are gor kan (grave digger), kanda-kaari etc.

    Best wishes

    Muslim Saleem
