
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pakistan Se Diyar-e-Haram Tak; a Beautiful Travelogue by Naseem Hijazi

Pakistan se Diyar-e-Haram Tak is beautiful and interesting travelogue book written by Naseem Hijazi, the famous Urdu historical novelist. The book is about some feelings of a Muslim to the Holy lands of Makkah and Madeena. The lands to visit there is the biggest dream of every true Muslim. 

In this book Naseem Hijazi writes about his journey from Pakistan to Iran, Turkey, Labonan and the Secred Land of Holy Makkah and Madeena. The book is quite interesting and full of knowledge about the areas where Naseem Hijazi visited.

Naseem Hijazi writes especially about some historical cities like Tahran, Mashhad, and Shiraz in Iran, Ankara, and Istanbul in Turkey, Beirut in Labonan and finally the Holy Makkah Mukarramah and Madeena Munawwarah.

Click here to download Pakistan Se Diyar-e-Haram Tak. Please note that you will need to have PDF Reader to read the book after downloading.

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