
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bebakoon Ki Talash; a Superb Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Baibakoon Ki Talash (English: In the Search of the Braves) (Urdu: بے باکوں کی تلاش) is a superb, fantastic, very interesting and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the renowned Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most favorite, popular and famous Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is, up to some extent, sequel to the previous novels; Jonk Ki Wapasi and Zehrili Tasweer.

This time Ibn-e-Safi introduces a new character of Sabeeha, a girl who has been brought up in complexes. Her mother is very orthodox while her father is ultra modern. Up to some extent her character resembles that one of Imran. She decides to tease her mother and write a love letter to her from her imaginary lover and writes that he will try to step into her house at midnight but unfortunately or fortunately Imran si taken by her servants. That’s how she confronts to Imran which results to this beautiful novel.

It would be interesting to be mentioned that this novel is the last novel of Imran Series by Ibn-e-Safi and I have read somewhere that this novel was completed by some unknown writer as Ibn-e-Safi had passed away before completing this novel. 

I feel pleasure, great honor and privilege that I have posted all of the 120 novels of Imran Series by Ibn-e-Safi. I will try to present all of the Jasusi Dunya novels of the same novelist in Sha Allah.

Click here to download Baibakoon Ki Talash. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Zehrili Tasweer; a Beautiful Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Zehreeli Tasweer (English: Poisonous Photograph) (Urdu: زہریلی تصویر) is a beautiful very interesting, full of action, adventure, suspense and thrills, fantastic and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the renowned and legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is, up to some extent, sequel to the previous novel Jonk Ki Wapasi.

Imran is busy in chit chat with Ustad Mahboob Niralay Alam and Safdar is sitting there enjoying the conversation all of sudden the door bell rings. When Imran goes to the door he finds a man dead having a mysterious letter. The man later recognized as Professor Rashid, an expert of Geology.

When Imran and Super Fiaz with another police men visit the house of Professor Rashid, they find Imran's portrait there and Imran finds there a mysterious stone and a police man breaks the stone and dies there. Super Fiaz doubts on Imran and decides to arrest him but he manages to get free.

The novel is superb and very interesting. Sang Hi and Imran seen in their full form but the story is to be continued and we will have to read Bebakoon Ki Talash, the final part of this story which is the last published novel of Imran Series as well.

Click here to download Zehreeli Tasweer. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Jonk Ki Wapasi; an Excellent Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Jonk ki Wapasi (English: The Leech Returns) (Urdu: جونک کی واپسی) is an excellent, beautiful, very interesting, full of suspense, trill and adventure and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the renowned and legendary Urdu spy novelist and most famous and the finest Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer.

A Chinese man starts chasing Julia and she enters a park to get rid of that mysterious Chinese man but he arrives there as well. Julia becomes gets angry and she goes to Safdar's flat and informs him about Chinese. Safdar goes outside to check and returns with the same Chinese man. Safdar recognizes him a Tau Chin who is a contractor. Tau Chin says that his mother was French and Julia resembles his mother.

While going back Julia sees a dead body in Tau Chin's car. The body is recognized as Ma'am Nishi Ka, wife of Philippines ambassador. Imran's investigations lead him to Nagonda, a Negro bodyguard of Nishi ka but Nagonda is killed before he could say anything about Nishi Ka. A girl named Rita Nixon kidnaps Imran and Imran sees Nishi Ka in her house alive. He is surprised. 

At the end of the novel Sang Hi enters in action. He is behind all what is happening in the country. Let's read next in Zehreeli Tasweer to know what happens next.

Click here to download Jonk Ki Wapasi. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Doctor Dua Go; an Excellent Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Doctor Dua Go (English: Doctor Well-Wisher) (Urdu: ڈاکٹر دعا گو) is an excellent, beautiful, very interesting and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series, written by Ibn-e-Safi, the well known and legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most famous and popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is longest novel of Imran Series which consists of more than 300 pages.

Imran, one day, visits his home to meet his mother but at the main gate of the house, gate keeper informs him that his mother is ill and a doctor is treating her. Imran sees the doctor at the gate of the house.
Next day Imran visits Doctor Dua go to ask about his mother, firstly doctor refuses to meet him as he is too educated to meet but when Imran says about his mother he agrees to meet him. When leaving the clinic, Imran sees the deputy secretary of the foreign office visiting Doctor's clinic and after a short time he comes out and commits suicide.

Doctor,s reaction and statement to the place makes Imran suspicious about him and Imran starts investigations which leads him to the whole racket of Doctor Dua go. Actually Doctor Dua Go is a black mailer and he is too much expert in Hypnotism. His had hypnotized the deputy secretary and ordered him to commit suicide.

Finally Imran arrests Doctor Dua Go and destroys his racket. The secret service finds some important documents in his house which help Imran to deal with the case and finish the organization.

Click here to download Doctor Dua Go. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Aakhri Aadmi; an Interesting Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Aakhri Aadmi (English: The Last Man) (Urdu: آخری آدمی) is an interesting, beautiful, full of suspense and adventure and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the renowned and legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novel; Raat Kay Bhikari.

Imran is investating the case of the killed undercover inspector and his investigations lead him to a dangerous conspiracy against his country. This time a politician tries to stage a armed insurgency in the country and take the control of the country and colonel Horeshio once again appears helping with the politician in the conspiracy.

Imran after a long and tough struggle finds colonel Horeshio and the other politician and this time Colonel Horeshio destiny and fate deceives him and he faces a terrible death.

It would be interesting to mention that it is the last complete Imran Series novel written by Ibn-e-Safi. Though Ibn-e-Safi's last Imran Series novel if Bebakoon Ki Talash but that was not written by Ibn-e-Safi completely; rather Ibn-e-Safi died while the novel was incomplete and his son Dr. Ahmad Safi got that completed by another writer whose name is in dark till date.

Click here to download Aakhri Aadmi. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Raat Kay Bhikari; a Beautiful Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Raat Kay Bhikari (English: The Night Beggars) (Urdu: رات کے بھکاری) is a beautiful, very interesting, extraordinary remarkable Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the renowned legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and well known Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is full of suspense.

Joseph starts using drugs after leaving drinking and when Imran comes to know that he freezes his pocket money which he uses for drugs. Sulaiman guides Joseph towards begging and Joseph strats begging and they both enjoy with that money. One day Super Fiaz sees him begging and informs Imran about that and when Imran visits the place where Joseph sits, he finds there another man who is mysterious and does not look a professional beggar. Imran watches him and all of sudden that man is attacked by some unknown men and he is killed.

Later it comes that the man was an inspector in the anti smuggling squad of the Custom intelligence and his name was Basit Rasheed. He was an undercover officer. Interestingly he had bought the begging place from Joseph and Sulaiman.

Imran is in his investigations and the story is expended to the next novel Aakhri Aadmi. Let's see what happens next.

Click here to download Raat Kay Bhikari. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Khatarnak Ungliyan; a Beautiful Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Khatarnak Unglian (English: Dangerous Fingers) (Urdu: خطرناک انگلیاں) is a beautiful, very interesting, outstanding, remarkable and fun to read Urdu spy and Si-Fi novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and well known Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novels; Pathar Ka Aadmi and Doosra Pathar and it is the last part of this series.

Finally Imran accomplishes the mission after a long terrible and tough fight. Really this time Imran confronted with a tough rival. Jeguar who in all the mission teases Imran finally disclosed. He is she! Clara Dickson is Jeguar and she is able to speak in all the voices she is damn good in mimicry than Imran.

Clara Dickson comes to Imran's country to trace the atomic re processing plant and destroy that but this time they confront Imran who is unbeatable as destiny always smiles on him.

Click here to download Khatarnak Unglian. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Doosra Pathar; a Fabulous Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Doosra Pathar (English: Second Stone) (Urdu: دوسرا پتھر) is a fabulous, interesting, fantastic and fun to read Urdu spy and Si-Fi novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most famous and popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novel Pathar Ka Aadmi.

Imran and his team are investigating about the stone man and Shahla Shahbaz leads Imran to girl Clara Dickson and Imran takes her to Psycho mention where he comes to know that she is also Stone woman. She kills five men of Imran and takes Julia with her and gets information about Secret Service and X2. On the other Sangzad is killed by the ISI chief in an encounter where it becomes very vital to kill him and ISI chief kills him in a wonderful way.

Imran disguises into Professor Shakoor, a famous Sharp shooter and well known hunter. Later he disguises in to Professor Mukarram. Imran approaches to Clara Dickson and her team but Jaguar, the boss of that gang recognizes Imran and compel him to work for them.
Let's read next in Khatarnak Unglian to know what happens next to Imran and how he accomplishes the mission.

Click here to download Doosra Pathar. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Pathar Ka Aadmi; an Interesting Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Pathar Ka Aadmi (English: Stone Man) (Urdu: پتھر کا آدمی) is a fabulous, interesting and fun to read Urdu spy and Si-Fi novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most famous and popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel has a lot of suspense and adventure.

Some children tease and beat a man with stones and he has no pain and just ignores the children. The man calls himself Sangzad {the one who given birth by a stone) and works in a laundry. ISI, CIB and secret service get active when an article is published in a newspaper about Sangzad. Sir Sultan informs Imran that Sangzad is colonel Shahzad and he had worked in the country's embassy in Africe and he disappeared having some very important and sensitive documents.
Inspector Sahid [from CIB] who first got involved in the case disappears and his institute has no clue about him.

Imran's investigations lead him to Dr. David and when Imran moves to his house, where he stays, he finds inspector Shahid there unconscious lying on a bad and Imran comes to know that Dr. David got Mr. Shahbaz, an industrialist, involved in the matter by blackmailing him. Imran takes inspector Shahid back.

At the end of the novel Imran finds Dr. David killed in his room and now he has to guild from scratches. Mr. Shahbaz receives a phone call that we will have to work for Dr. Forel. Let's read next in Doosra Pathar, the next novel.

Click here to download Pathar Ka Aadmi. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Larazti Lakeerain; a Beautiful Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Larazti Lakeerain (English: The Trembling Stripes) (Urdu: لرزتی لکیریں) is a beautiful, marvelous, interesting and remarkable Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most famous Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the previous sex novels; Maut Ki Aahat, Doosra Rukh, Chatanoon Ka Raz, Thanda Sooraj, Talash-e-Gumshuda and Aag Ka Daira. We must thank Ibn-e-Safi that he finally completed the story and you will reach to end this series.

The government banns the wine and Joseph falls extremely ill due to not drinking and one day a doctor and a nurse come a give him an injection and all of sudden he gets well. Later it comes that she was Therisia and Joseph become rebel but later Imran takes him back and he also gets well.

How it is possible that Sang Hi will not appear when Imran and Therisia in action?? After 6 novels you will see Sang Hi once again in action.

Finally Imran takes revenge from Therisia for all what she did to him. He destroys Zeroland's scientific stations and the so called Mars. How?? Read the novel for that interesting and fun to read situation. 

Click here to download Larazti Lakeerain. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Aag Ka Daira; a Marvelous Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Aag Ka Daira (English: The Circle of Fire) (Urdu: آگ کا دائرہ) is a marvelous, very interesting, extra ordinary full of action, suspense and adventure Urdu spy and Si-Fi novel of Imran Series, written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novels; Maut Ki Aahat, Doosra Rukh, Chatanoon Ka Raza, Thanda Suraj and Talash-e-Gumshuda

This time Therisia is seen in full action and on high peak. She rules over the spy world. She wants to get all the information from Imran but two other great powers are also after Imran and she manages to make them fly from Imran's country. For this purpose she blackmails the operation in charges of both powerful countries.

All of sudden another secret agent from Germany [who now works for USA] also appears in Imran's country and she meets Imran.
One day therisia captures Imran in a circle of fire and she takes Imran to her centre. She wants to make him sit on confession chair and get all the information, which he has, about Baul De Sofe but Imran manages to escapes from there.

Therisia becomes angry and she blows up a part of Imran's solar energy centre and she give a message to Imran threatening about the tough and hard consequences of what he did. Let's see what happens next in Larazti Lakeerain, the last part of the series.

Click here to download Aag ka Daira. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Talash-e-Gumshuda; a Superb Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Talash-e-Gum Shuda (English: Search for the Lost) (Urdu: تلاشِ گمشدہ) is a superb, fabulous, very interesting and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and talented Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novels; Maut Ki Aahat, Doosra Rukh, Chatanoon Ka Raz and Thanda Sooraj and it has lots of action and adventure.

In the absence of Imran everybody in his country and his family members think that he is dead and they did all the rituals for him. All of sudden a lady Delia Moran appears and claims that she belongs to New Zealand and she is wife of Imran. Mr. Rahman takes her to home and gives her due respect of a daughter in law.

Imran hardly enters the country but here he faces a battle against another politically powerful block. This block needs Imran to know about Baul De Sofe but Imran decides not to provide the information to anyone. Imran chooses Safdar to meet first and in mysterious way he calls him to outside of the capital.

Aftar a long period Imran enters the capital and informs Sir Sultan about his expedition to Brazil or Mars in other words.

At the end of the novel it comes that Delia Moran was actually Therisia and she comes to search the negatives of the photograph of Baul De Sofe but when she does not finds that in Mr. Rahman's house she goes to Imran's flat but she does not find there as well and disappears. Read the next novel; Aag Ka Daira to know what happens next.

Click here to download Talash-e-Gumshuda. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Thanda Suraj; a Beautiful Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Thanda Suraj (English: The Cold Sun) (Urdu: ٹھنڈا سورج) is a beautiful, interesting, full of suspense, action and adventure Urdu Si-Fi and spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most popular Imran series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novels; Maut Ki Aahat, Doosra Rukh and Chatanoon Ka Raz.

When this series entered in the third novel I wonder why Therisia is not there this time? And Ibn-e-Safi presents an adventure with therisia this time.

Four very important men from four powerful countries are abducted and sent to the submarine where Imran and Joseph are already kept. All these men are told that they are transmitted to Mars where Imran will have to get married with an alien. Later it comes that Therisia and Zeroland is behind this conspiracy and they did this because of the Baul De' Sofe.

In Mars Jameson also meets Imran and Joseph and he tells that he is the governor of a state in Zeroland. Imran passes a tough and rough time in Mars.

At the end Imran comes to know that he is not in Mars; rather he is in earth and they are tried to be made fool. Imran sees a landscape resemble to the Baul De Sofe and solves the reality of the painting but he does not know where this place is?

Finally Imran, Joseph and Jameson are so called transmitted to the earth and when they open their eyes they find themselves in New York. And there once again Therisia comes and she tells Imran that he will be sent to his country via Sidney, Australia. And the novel ends and we will read next in Talash-e-Gumshuda, I guess.

Click here to download Thanda Soraj. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Chatanoon Ka Raz; a Fantastic Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Chatanoon Ka Raz (English: The Secret of the Rocks) (Urdu: چٹانوں کا راز) is a fantastic, very interesting and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series, written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel satisfies the taste of suspense and adventure. It is sequel to the previous novel; Maut Ki Aahat and Doosra Rukh, and there is a lot to come, and this series will be the longest series of Ibn-e-Safi's Imran Series with seven novels.

Imran finds himself with Marsiana, a beautiful girl who claims to be from New Zealand and works for Won Brof, an Irish man, in an island and when he sees his watch he misses 6 days and he does not remember anything about last 6 days.

Later Mersiana confesses that she and her group is after Baul De Sofe, the painting which Imran have taken from Mr. Chimran's home [for detail read Maut Ki Aahat].

On the other hand Naumani witnesses Imran's kidnapping and he sees an Ambulance carrying Imran sinking in the sea and the whole team is clueless. Later Joseph finds a clue of a man who is involved in Imran's abduction.

After a long struggle Imran comes back to home and he captures the whole gang of Wan Brof, but the boss could escape.

At the end of the novel Imran alongwith Joseph and Marsiana once again finds himself in the hands of Wan Brof. This time he is in a marine and Wan Brof says him to either hand over the painting to him or wait for a tough and painful life. Let's see what happens next in Thanda Sooraj.

Click here to download Chatanoon Ka Raz. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Doosra Rukh; an Awesome Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Doosra Rukh (English: The Other Side) (Urdu: دوسرا رخ) is an awesome, interesting, fun-to-read and beautiful Urdu spy novel of Imran Series, written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novel "Maut Ki Aahat" and it is full of stuff which will satisfy your taste of reading suspense and adventure with a bit of action as well.

The matter of "Baul De Sofe" [The painting of a jenny breeding her foal] does not seem to leave Imran. This time, Imran is kidnapped by Mc. Hower a member of German secret service to get the painting but Imran escapes and the next morning he is informed that the painting has been stolen from ISI's man, Major Faheem after killing him.

Imran's investigations again lead him to Mc. Hower, who killed Major Faheem and stole the painting and when Imran raids on him, he gets the cover of painting but he finds only a black piece. The painting is stolen by a group of Hippies and they burn it.

Later the same group of Hippies consisting of Negroes and some other boys and girls capture Imran and Marsiana a girl who claims to be a tourist but in fact an undercover agent of that group, and ask him to hand over the negatives of the photographs of the painting, taken by Imran.

Imran reaches to the conclusion that the painting leads to a map of Hitler's collection in somewhere in Brazil. But he refuses to inform ISI about the conclusion and also refuses to inform the group about anything of the negatives and photographs. They leave him and Marsiana in an island. And the novel ends and I guess we have to read next in Chatanoon Ka Raz.

Click here to download Doosra Rukh. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Maut Ki Aahat; a Fabulous Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Maut Ki Aahat (English: The Sound of Death) (Urdu: موت کی آہٹ) is a fabulous, fantastic, very interesting, fun to read and full of suspense and adventure Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most famous Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer.

In a hot day of summer, X2 calls Julia and orders her to visit Sardar Garh as Mrs. Chimran. He sends Safdar with the documents and informs her to stay in Hotel Grand and take next steps there as situation and condition demands. When she arrives at Hotel Grand she is informed that her husband Mr. Chimran has just died and his body is in hospital.

After Mr. Chimran's funeral his will is scheduled to be opened and read by the lawyer but Mrs Roza, a young lady in Sardar Garh {who is French secret Agent in fact} claiming to be the wife of Mr. Chimran steals original will and she finds only a Painting {actually Mr. Chimran wanted Imran to see this painting which would indicate him to what Mr. Chimran wanted to give to Imran. And when the lawyer opens the will it is only four clean papers with nothing written.

When Imran solve the case it comes that Mr. Chimran was a German, not French and he was a member of Hitler's secret service. He had this painting to hand over to a Nazi General but he could not find him in his life. 

The painting has some secrets of Nazi army and France and other countries also try to find out that painting. And when Mr. Chimran is diagnosed a patient of cancer and that he has very short time of life, he contacts Imran's foreign office and asks it to take the painting after his death. The story is to be continued…. Read Doosra Rukh for further.

Click here to download Maut Ki Aahat. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Khuni Fankar; a Fabulous Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Khuni Fankar (English: The Bloody Artist) (Urdu: خونی فنکار) is a fabulous, interesting, sensational, full of adventure and suspense Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most famous and popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novel; Monaliza Ki Nawasi.

The granddaughter of Monaliza runs away with a book from the house of Mr. Masood Waris, the deputy Secretary of the foreign ministry. Imran's investigations lead him to some wonderful facts i.e. the original painter of the granddaughter of Mona Liza is not Surab; rather it is J.V who runs a flower form house and he is relative of Shilli. Luisa is not the real name of the granddaughter of Monal Liza; rather her name is Ruthi and she does not resemble to Mona Liza of Leonardo Davinci rather J.V makes a mask of Mona Liza for her.

Finally Imran reaches to the conclusions and solve the case. Samad Nizami, Fozia's cousin was killed by J.V and J.V is behind an international racket of drugs and he is now about to plant a flower which would have the features of Hashish.

Imarn reaches to some interesting facts regarding the past of Nawab Waris, the grandfather of Shilli which you will come to know after reading the novel. 

Click here to download Khuni Fankar. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Mona Liza Ki Nawasi; a Superb Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Mona Liza Ki Nawasi (English: Mona Liza's Granddaughter) (Urdu: مونا لیزا کی نواسی) is a superb, fantastic, very interesting and extra ordinary Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most famous Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel carries lots of Suspense and adventure.

Imran is chased and flirted by two girls, Fozia and Shilli in Jalalabd. Shilli is daughter of the deputy secretary of the foreign ministry while Fozia is her friend. Suddenly a group of four guys riding on two bikes start chasing the girls and Imran help the girls.

Next day he meets the same girls in a hotel where a new painter Sohrab claims that her model is the granddaughter of the Mona Liza and interestingly she extremely resembles with the Mona Liza of Leonardo Da Vinci. All of sudden it is announced that a man has been murdered in the hotel and all the people will have to be investigated.

Imran is actually after Sohrab and her so called granddaughter of Mona Liza and Fozia works for Sohrab. Imran captures Fozia and Sohrab sends Luisa {Daughter of Mona Liza} to Shilli's house. He blackmails Shilli to keep Luisa in her hause.

At the end of the novel, it comes that Luisa and Sohrab are after a book of Shilli's father. They take Shilli on gun point and when Luisa finds out the book Imran enters. Imran captures Sohrab but Luisa could escapes with the book. What was in the book?? We will have to read next novel "Khuni Fankar" to find the answer for this question.

Click here to download Mona Liza Ki Nawasi. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Jungle Ki Shehriyat; a Superb Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Jungle Ki Shehriyat (English: Citizenship of the Jungle) (Urdu: جنگل کی شہریت) is a superb, interesting, beautiful, outstanding, full of action and adventure and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series, written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most popular and the most famous Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novels; Halakat Khaiz and Zebra Man and it is the last part of this series.

Imran and his team are still in the Jungle of Tanzania where they found Sing Hi also, in the form of Chimpanzee. At the end of the novel Imran holds control on Therisia when therisia is about to kill Sing Hi but Imran enters and kills the fake Zebra Man. [Zebra Man were made by Therisia after a scientific experiment on men but they died after 2 weeks, and this project fails but a few people including Imran know that]

Finally it comes that Therisia is working for South Africa's white government which wants to make South Africa a Nuclear Power. But Imran makes the mission failure and Therisia once again rushes and later Sing Hi also disappears.

Click here to download Jungle Ki Shehriyat. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Zebra Man; a Fantastic Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Zebra Man (English: Zebra Man) (Urdu: زیبرا مین) is a fantastic, interesting, outstanding, full of action and adventure and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series, written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most famous and popular Imran Series and Jasusi dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novel Halakat Khaiz and it holds the reader till he turns the last page of it.

Imran Joseph and Jameson are in the forest of Tanzania Darussalam with a team of secret agents from different countries. The team comprises Rena from Syria, Sara from Iraq, Shaperd from Jordan, Phorgua from Israel and Gasper from Lebanon. And Imran and his team later join them.

This team confronts a tough time and hard mission against Madam Therisia. The team is there to stop Therisia and other Black guys of Tanzania from destroying the world. They have a plan to wipe all the white people from Africa and this land once again will belong to the black people. The story is to be continued and you will read next in the novel Jungle ki Shehriyat. Let's see what Ibn-e-Safi shows us in Jungle ki Shehriyat.

Click here to download Zebra Man. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Halakat Khaiz; an Awesome Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Halakat Khaiz (English: Deadly) (Urdu: ھلاکت خیز) is a superb, awesome, outstanding, interesting and full of action and suspense Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most famous and popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel completes century of Ibn-e-Safi's Imran Series.

After a long time Zafar and Jameson are seen in action. This time Ibn-e-Safi takes you to Tanzania where Zafar and Jameson are in their adventure. Imran sends them to Tanzania to meet Lesley Kardoba and take next orders from her, but they are unaware that a tough and rough situation is waiting them there. Lesley is kidnapped by Masooma, the deputy chief of intelligence and the worse thing is that he meets Jameson and shows himself as a foreign agent of X2.

Imran and Julia meet Jameson after a few days as Mr. and Mrs. Colonel Dona Bonnard. Later it comes that this time they have to accomplish a dangerous mission against Therisia otherwise the whole world will be destroyed by her. Interestingly Sing Hi is also involved in the mission. Let's see what happens in the next novel Zebra Man.

Click here to download Halakat Khaiz. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Mehektay Muhafiz; a Superb Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Mehektay Muhafiz (English: Fragrant Guards) (Urdu: مہکتے محافظ) is a superb, fantastic, marvelous and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series with extra ordinary suspense and action, written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the most popular and the finest Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novels; Khushboo Ka Hamla and Baba Sag Parast and this is the last part of this saga. The sensational mission which begins from Khushboo ka Hamla and develops in Baba Sag Parast reaches to the end in this novel.

Baba Sag Parast is a smuggler of drugs and he deals in international level. He invented a special perfume which causes unconsciousness and if his men are held by police he they use the perfume. For this he uses special dogs having perfumed.

Baba Sag Parast kills Mr. Gillani and he orders Aamira, a poisoned lady headed by Baba Sag Parast kills Khan Zargham one of his dangerous men by the orders of Baba.

Finally Imran kills Baba Sag Parast and Aamira herself shoots her dead. That’s how this terrible mission is accomplished.

Click here to download Mehektay Muhafiz. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Baba Sag Parast; a Marvelous Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Baba Sag Parast (English: Dog's venerator Old Man) (Urdu: بابا سگ پرست) is a marvelous fun to read and very interesting Urdu spy novel of Imran Series with lots of suspense and thriller, written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest Imran Series and Jasusid Dunya Series writer. The novel is a sequel to the previous novel; Kushboo Ka Hamla.

Imran is in Shah Dara with Mr. Gillani and Safdar and his team is in the capital investigating Roza, whom they have taken from the Hotel International. Now Imran and Ghazala are in the home searching clues about Mr. Gillani and Imran receives a phone call and knows that Safdar and other's activities and Imran's job in Shah Dara are inter related and they want Imran to be with Mr. Gillani and Mr. Gillani also works for them. By the call Imran comes to know that Gillani is headed by Baba Sag Parast and Gillani has to report him.

At the end of this novel Baba Sag Parast designs a trap for Imran. He sends Ghazala to a building called Khan Villa and wants Imran to see her there and get enter to help here so that he could get Imran. What is going to happen next?? Read the next novel; Mehektay Muhafiz.

Click here to download Baba Sag Parast. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Khushboo Ka Hamla; a Remarkable Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Khushboo Ka Hamla (English: The Attack of Perfume) (Urdu: خوشبو کا حملہ) is a remarkable, fun to read and very interesting Urdu spy novel of Imran Series carrying suspense and adventure written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and most famous and the finest Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer.

Imran is seen in an interesting role in this novel; he is in Shah Dara caring a pregnant bitch which later leads him to get employee with Mr. Gillani, a rich business man. Imran becomes Gillani's body guard but Gillani's behavior itself is very mysterious and his own Dr. Ghazala is suspicious about him. Imran is called there by Dr. Zeba in a very mysterious way, she writes him that the bitch is about to give birth and he leaves for Shah Dara.

In capital Safdar, Julia and Nemo (the new agent of the secret service) are busy in investigating a case. They chase a girl staying in International Hotel but when they get her in their place they realize that she is just a dummy. 

What does Imran want to do in Shah Dara and why Safdar and other chase and investigate the girl? These things will be disclosed in the next novel Baba Sag Parast

Click here to download Khushboo ka Hamla. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Lash Gati Rahi; a Marvelous Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Lash Gati Rahi (English: The Corpse Kept Singing) Urdu: لاش گاتی رہی) is marvelous, interesting and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series with lots of suspense and adventure written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary and the finest Urdu spy novelist and most famous Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer.

Hilda Carlos, daughter of an ambassador is missing for three days and the ambassador reports to police and intelligence to find out his daughter, he also reports that some people had chased her daughter and the indications leads towards Imran.

Imran was really watching her as he was suspicious about her and her activities. Now Imran has to get in action and solve the case.

Finally when Imran reaches to the conclusion it appears a case of a traitor Anwar Sardar, son of a highly influential person. Anwar Sardar is involved in spying Imran's country and he steals a highly sensitive file from Sir Sultan's office by the help of Hilda and Mimi, but Imran takes back the file.

Click here to download Lash Gati Rahi. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Jonk Aur Nagan; an Interesting Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Jonk Aur Nagan (English: Leech and Serpent) (Urdu: جونک اور ناگن) is a interesting, fun to read and fantastic Urdu thriller and spy novel of Imran Series carrying too much suspense and action with the taste of adventure. The novel if sequel to the previous novels; Seh Rangi Maut and Mutaharrik Dahariyan and is written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and finest and most popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer.

In this part of the story all the three super characters of Imran Series; Imran, Sang Hi and Lady Therisia confronts in the climax. The professor Zaigham who appears alongwith his young and beautiful wife Aalia, in the first part of this series Seh Rangi Maut once again comes in the lime light.

At the end when Imran, Sang Hi are kept on gun point by Therisia, Sang Hi somehow hits Therisia and she get injured and Imran takes them on gun point but she could escape. While her Fay Graz flies Sang Hi hold it and hangs himself with that and flies to Zeroland.

Imran Takes Professor to treat the people affected by the virus which creates those terrible stripes on the body. Professor Zaigham has its cure and now Imran decides to get all the people cure from that virus.

Click here to download Jonk Aur Nagan. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Mutaharrik Dahariyan; a Fantastic Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Mutaharrik Dahariyan (English: Animated Stripes) Urdu: متحرک دھاریاں) is an outstanding, fantastic and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran Series with lots of adventure, suspense and action. The novel is sequel to the previous novel Seh Rangi Maut and is written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and most popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer.

Imran is investigating the case of mysterious man with stripes and the dead body having the same stripes recognized as Wan Lin, and ambassador. Super Fiaz himself is affected by the same virus and some stripes appear on his body and a mysterious lady is helping him out the situation in Sardar Garh.

Later it comes that the mastermind behind this scientific experiment is none other than Sang Hi, the Chinese dangerous man. And the dead body found in the Forest of Sarwan is not of Wang Lin. Rather that is Hung Fi, brother if Wang Lin and later Wang Lin is killed by Sang Hi. The story is to be continued and you will read the final round of this saga in Jonk Aur Nagan.

Click here to download Mutaharrik Dahariyan. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Seh Rangi Maut; an Interesting Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Seh Rangi Maut (English: Tri-Colored Death) Urdu: سہ رنگی موت) is a marvelous, interesting and extraordinary Urdu spy novel of Imran Series, which carries lots of suspense and action with a touch of adventure. The novel is written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and most respected Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer.

Super fiaz takes an adventure in the forest of Sarawan with some his friend and one of his friends Fatah Muhammad Khan is missing. Super Fiaz is busy in searching him in the forest and meanwhile he discovers a dead body having some strips on his body. Later the body is recognized as Mr. Wang Lin by an Embassy.

Imran is called by a man Professor Zaigham and his Mrs claiming to be a Professor to bring some wonderful changes in his personality. Imran visits him next day but he is not in his room. Later Imran finds a man in that room with the same strips and takes him to the head quarters.

The novel is very interesting but the story is not finishing in this one novel. You will have to read the next novel Mtaharrik Dharian, which is sequel to this novel.

Click here to download Seh Rangi Maut. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Kali Kehkashan; a Superb Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Kali Kehkashan (English: Black Galaxy) (Urdu: کالی کہکشاں) is a marvelous, superb, outstanding, extraordinary interesting and full of action and adventure Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and most popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer.

Imran takes a journey to Qazatogha for refreshment and picnic to get rid of a dog biting. A dog bits Imran and he decides this outing with Joseph. In the way to Qazatogha he confronts with a girl Zeenat who is also going to Qazatogha to get her father free from the dungeon of the Khan of Qazatogha but she also faces threats to her life from the same Khan.

Imran decides to help her and they all start journey to Qazatogha. In the way all of them are captured by the men of Khan and Zeenat is sent to her father in dungeon and Imran is in other cell. There Imran shows his Sink art and somehow gets trust and attention of Khan and becomes a respected guest there.

Imran meets Zeenat and her father Jabir Khan and comes to know that Khan of Qazatogha is a traiter and Jabir Khan has proof of that with him, and because of that proof he was in dungeon. That’s how they journey started for refreshment and changing turns into a successful mission.

Click here to download Kali Kehkashan. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Be-chara Shahzore; a Marvelous Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Be-Chara Shahzore (Eng: Poor Shahzore) (Urdu: بے چارہ شہ زور) is a marvelous, very interesting, outstanding and full of action and suspense Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and most popular and fanmous Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to previous Novels; Allama Dehshatnak and Farishtay Ka Dushman and it is the last part of Allama Dehshatnak Series.

After a long and tough struggle Imran gets control over Allama Dehshatnak. Finally he accomplishes the mission and hands over Allama Dehshatnak to Super Fiaz. Next day Mr. Rahman calls Imran and tells that Allama pretends to be mad and tries to fool the Intelligence Bureau. Imran visits and after seeing Allama Dehshatnak he declares that Allama has really gone mad and he is now stuck in his childhood when he had lost his family.

Click here to download Be-Chara Shahzore. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Farishtay Ka Dushman; a Beautiful Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Farishtay Ka Dushman (Eng: Angle Foe) Urdu: فرشتے کا دشمن) is a beautiful very interesting, marvelous and Full of actions and suspense Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi the legendary Urdu spy novelist and most popular Imran Series and jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the previous novel; Allama Dehshatnak.

Imran is after Allama Dehshatnak, he is very close to find him out and disclose his mission. Imran sends Julia to Mian Tauqeer Jharyam for his protection and information. She in is Ahmad Pur Jharyam in the house of Mian Tauqeer and Imran and his team are busy in the capital. At the end of the novel Siddiqui calls Imran and informs him that Allama Dehshatnak is in a hotel in the disguise of Abdul Shakoor. 

Imran raids the hotel but Abdul Shakoor (Allama Dehshatnak) escapes and throws a hand grenade which leaves Tanweer badly injured. Now once again Imran is helpless and he has to build from scratches. Read Be-Chara Shazore, to know what happens next.

Click here to download Farishtay Ka Dushman. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Allama Dehshatnak; an Interesting Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Allama Dehshatnak (Eng: Sir Dreadful) Urdu: علامہ دہشت ناک) is an outstanding interesting, very beautiful and full of suspense Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the most popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer.

Allama Dehshatnak is a highly qualified, super genius but extremely dangerous man who is known to be a talented and excellent Poet in social circles. He is the head of the Department of sociology in a University but actually very dangerous and criminal man. He has a miserable and shocking past. All of his innocent family members excluding him were burnt alive by a highly influential family. He later killed all that enemy family excluding one man, Mian Tauqeer Ahmad Jharyam, who was safe just because he was abroad for study and now is he is in the country and very active politician belonging to the ruling party.

Allama Dehshatnak wants to kill Mian Tauqeer Ahmad. He has some other secret business from which he earns lots of money. He has organized a gang of highly talented very qualified and extra ordinary Genius boys and girls. He orders one of his boys to kill one of his girls Yasmeen which leads Imran investigate the case.
Imran reaches very close to Allama Dehshatnak and the novel ends. You will read the rest of the story in the next novel Farishtay ka Dushman.

Click here to download Allama Dehshatnak. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Aadha Batair; a Superb Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Adha Batair (Eng: Half Quail) (Urdu: آدھا بٹیر) is a superb, very beautiful, extra ordinary interesting and full of action and suspense Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and most famous and popular Imran Series and Jasusi Dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel to the novel; Aadha Teetar.

Imran is after Top Cross (Dowden) who blackmails people and makes them do illegal and harmful jobs. This time Top Cross is after Dr. Shahid, Imran's Brother in Law but when Dr. Shahid refuses to do the job he kidnaps his sister Dr. Mah Luqa, and Imran starts chasing Top Cross.

Finally Imran destroys Top Cross's mission and kills him and all his team by a blast in a Launch in the sea. At the end of this novel Surayya Imran's sister gets married with Dr. Shahid and Sulaiman also gets married with Gulrukh. Gulrukh will be an interesting character of Imran Series. Thank you Ibn-e-Safi for introducing Gul Rukh.

Click here to download Aadha Batair. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.

Aadha Teetar; an Outstanding Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi

Aadha Teetar (Half Partridge) (Urdu: آدھا تیتر) is an outstanding, interesting, full of action and adventure and beautiful Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary Urdu spy novelist and most famous Imran Series writer.

Imran's sister Surayya's wedding is fixed with Dr. Shahid but just before marriage he resigns from his job. Sir Rahman is extremely disagree with this decision and he decides that he will not let his daughter get married with him unless he takes back this decision. Imran decides to fix the matter and he visits to Dr. Ma Luqa, Dr. Shahid's sister but before meeting she is kidnapped.

After a long struggle Imran manages to discover her and comes to know that all what happens is just because of Dr. Shahid as he is being blackmailed by a person who is very dangerous. Dr. Shahid resigns to get rid of this problem and he kidnaps his sister. Imran tells him to resumes his job so that they could know what that person wants from him. The story is to be continued and will reach to the end in the next novel Aadha Batair.

Click here to download Aadha Teetar. Please note that you will have to have PDF Reader to read the novel after having it downloaded.