Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Iblees Ki Majlis-E-Shura; an Awakening Poem by Iqbal

Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (علامہ محمد اقبال / Allama Muḥammad Iqbāl; November 9, 1877 - April 21, 1938), commonly referred to as Allama Iqbāl (علامہ اقبال‎, ʿAllāma meaning "The Learned One"), was a Lahori Muslim poet, philosopher and politician in British India. He wrote his works in Persian and Urdu.

His poetry is very popular among Urdu and Persian readers and even translations of his poetry are available in many other languages like Arabic English etc. In Arabic world his poetry is appreciated in high level.
Among his beautiful and popular poetry, some of his poems got a tremendous fame across the globe and these are considered to be the best pieces of Urdu Poetry. Shikwa Jawab-e-Shikwa and Iblees Ki Majlis-e-Shua can be included in these pieces.

Here I am posting Iblees Ki Majlis-e-Shura and I am sure you will like it and think over the concepts lying in this poem. Perhaps we could find the basic reason of our backwardness and weakness and then will try to overcome. Here you go!! 


  1. AmazinG poetry by Iqbal..!

  2. i love Iqbal's poetry


  4. a human with pure soul and dignity ,,,May ALLAH give him Paradise

  5. His poetry seems of very high standard but lack of romantic imagination. We do learn a lot but do not feel delighted.

    1. Anand ji
      Asi kavita anand ko tiyagne
      Se milti he
      Jo kalandaro ki shaan he

  6. you have to feel lucky and blessed to be able to even read allam iqbals ( RA) peotry in times such as current wehere the world is nothing more but a big home for fools like you who do not know what to speak and how to show respect and graditude for one of the muslim ummas great peot and philosopher ,
    think forth for what you speak .

  7. Allama Muhammad Iqbal not a lahori, he was and is belong to sialkot. he is sialkoti ,so plz think about it .

    1. Iqbal was born in sialkot but he spent most of his life in lahore that's why he is commonly known as ''iqbal lahori"

  8. this is a very nice poetry of iqbal that you ha ve mentioned in this web i like it all.

    1. Iqbal was born in Sialkot, he got education from Lahore and later Europe. But he lived in Lahore for the rest of his practical life, that's why is is called "Iqbal Lahori". He is very famous in Iran and he is mentioned there as "Iqbal Lahori".

  9. this is very nice poem and the very great for the young youth must read this is amazing poem. thanks for the sharing.

  10. what i say about this interesting and nice blog i think every one follow this daily.

  11. if u really wants to understand its meanings ...must watch dr israr ahmed vdio at youtube

  12. Its not amazing not awesome its a message to all Pakistani's All Muslims of the word bout a great plan of anti muslim powers to rule as as the did, let observe deeply what Iqbal said.

  13. How typical of us, some one says he is Lahori, a Sialqoti say no no, he is one of us...
    He is was a great visionary who lived in us and who left a message for us to be followed. Message ki samaj he nahi tho follow kidar ho ga.. hum ney tho ye decide karna hey k wo Lahori tha ya Sialkoti. Why does that matter dost. Understand and follow his message.

    Sir Iqbal tho bata raha hey k shaitan ko b is umat sey khof hey. aur umat ka ye hal hey. Yehi tho shaitan keh raha hey jawab mey

  14. Tho pir what shud we do tat u r Lahori. Sir Iqbal tho achay umati honey ko baat kar rahay hain. Iqbal was from Sialkot, but that does not matter dost. His message matters, that we should follow.

  15. Allama Iqbal R.A was a Muslim leader and his poetry leads us to Islam,leads us to Allah and thats all it does not matter that he was Lahori or Sialkoti. its enough to know for us that he was a great muslim leader.. i love Allama Iqbal's poetry!!

  16. watch the complete description of this poem by Dr. Israr Ahmed on youtube.. He has done really a commendable job

  17. Wah wah wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh subhan Allah .... i am speechless to say anything.

  18. This is no doubt a beautiful poem by Dr. Allama Iqbal.
    But I would like to point out a mistake in this poem, In the verses of "Pehla Masheer" Last Verse is missing,

    I found this poem on other cites and I am sharing these 2 links you can confirm yourself from the book.

    Link 1:
    Link 2:

    Lastly, I want to appreciate your effort of sharing this beautiful, meaningful and thoughtful poem. And please correct this if I am pointing out the right point.

  19. I love Allama ikbal and his poetry.

  20. This is a great poem which touching hearts and more learn about knowledge


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